Topographical Surveys

Topographical Surveys

We have been in the Topographical field for over 20 years and have always used the most up-to-date technology where required. We can also use GPS Topographical technology if needed but this is usually asked for by you the client at the briefing stage.

We cover all aspects of Topographical Surveys from Commercial sites, Landscapes, Embankments to Domestic back gardens. Each Topographical Survey is completely different and the amount of information picked up can differ from the basic outline of the building, levels across the survey, general lie of the land, all the way to everything that you can visibly see, kerbs, man hole covers, trees, furniture etc, your Topographical requirements will be confirmed at the briefing stage. Surveys can be fixed to GPS OS levels or if this isn’t required, an arbitrary level can be used. Other buildings can be picked up, be it the outline or ridge and eave heights.

If you think we can help with any Topographical Survey please call to discuss.

Topographical Surveys Gallery – click the images below to view the gallery.

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Commercial Measured Surveys Limited